Sunday, April 29, 2007

NFL Draft Day One

The eleven hour marathon day one of the 2007 NFL Draft drilled home a consistent point, to paraphrase Lupica, "No One Knows Anything". As the Prez wallows in self pity, at least he didn't lose out on 20 million bucks in four hours like Brady Quinn.

The Patriots
In the past six years the peeps have learned to not question Belichick and Peoli when it comes to evaluating talent. That said, I would grade day one with a C. We had two number ones (24, 28) and an number three (91). The selection of combo safety Brian Meriweather came with questions less about his versitility then about his suspect character. Does the player help at a much needed position, certainly. However, by trading pick 28 to the Niners for next years number one and a pick in round four (110) this year. They then traded pick 91 to the Raiders for a 3rd rounder in 2008.

My major problem with trading pick 28 is that:
A. We need young linebackers, and there were a few of high interest that were available. (Puzluzney, Harris)
B. There is no guarentee the Niner's round one pick will be a complete score. The niners are an up can coming team. The team of my youth, they appear to be stocking a group of young talent as the cheap ass owners hold the city hostage over the building of new stadium. That pick could be as low as a top 15 pick, but the Niners could be a playoff team if the loss of Norv Turner is just a blip on the development of Alex Smith( who should have a healthy Vernon Davis all season.)

.....The Patriots just traded a round four pick for Randy Moss. We still need young LB's,but I renounce everything I just said.

Clearly, no one knows anything...especially me.

In Belichick and Peoli we trust....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Its is August 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things are about to change.... I got my copy via Itunes.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting Flipped

As mandated by my professional superiors, tomorrow I embark on a three day training seminar from the Flip Flippen Group. By Thursday afternoon I will be either a teaching machine willing to give up my Playa Ways an adopt all under privilege kids or an even more cynical oaf ready to set off The Revolution for my own personal gain.

Before this can happen, its time for some Quick Shots….

1.The first shot goes to Boston Red Sox, who swept the Yankee’s at Fenway Park this past weekend for the first time since 1990 (Greenwell be thy name!). It is a huge mental boost for New England, but means little 17 games into in a 162 game season.

1a. I love the fact Dice-K went after A-Rod and Jeter. We can expect nothing less when he is being tutored by none other then Julian Tavarez. 2 Shots

2. I continue to use the phrase “Spartans….Tonight We Dine in Hell” for practically everything. I makes me rugged. More on this later.

3. The Best Two words in Sports will be heard a bunch in the next 8 weeks. The term “Game Seven” is like linguistic smack for true sports fans. Tonight we have our first of the Spring, as the Stars face the Canucks. This earns us all 5 shots.

4. Speaking of Mr. Brownstone, will the Josh Hamilton autobiography be entitled “Josh Hamilton: Don’t do Smack!”?. I hope so. I am currently awaiting the up coming “Peyton Manning: Still not Tom Brady”.

5. The Sebastian Telfair era just got even worse. Nice job.

6. I have not signed with a agent, in hopes of retaining my College Eligibility for the up coming Basketball Season. However, this may go for not if I am selected in the late rounds on Sunday. My insiders tell me the Texans are interested. 4 Shots.

7 Steve Berthiaume is the greatest ESPN personality ever. “Fundamentally Sound…”3 Shots.

8. Native Irish chicks love The Prez. 5 Shots. (I some how just recently found this out. Apparently I am just American enough to be seen as tough and rugged, “like a cowboy”. Needless to say, I bought a cowboy hat)

9. This is the greatest thing ever. 5 Shots.

10. The Greatest TV Shows of all time. The Simpsons, Seinfield, South Park, The Cosby Show, Chappelle Show. That’s it …That’s the list. 10.Shots…..

As Always,

Strength and Honor...Byah!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The 1/20/09 Chronicles

The following is The Prez's guest appearence at Presidential Politics, where the pundits kick ass and take part of a group of hypothetical match ups in the BATTLE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE.

Mitt Romney-The Savior (…of the Salt Lake Olympic Games)
Campaign Song “Don’t Stop Believing
Hillary Clinton-Leonidas in Drag (…Tonight …We Dine in Hell!)
Campaign Songs “Just as You Imagined” or “Black Mask

This hypothetical epic battle of the titans pits a relative newcomer to the national political scene against a calculating internationally known veteran. In this case, the Democrats very own Hillary Clinton and the GOP’s golden boy Mitt Romney. I would love this race, and not only because it would enhance the Northeast as the political center of American thought for the first time since 1786. I think it would really help America.

Each of these two candidates showed a tremendous ability to turn vocal support into financial support. When this is the case, it is like having a dominate closer …..ala Jonathan Papelbon, anything seems possible and the agenda becomes the promotion of optimism through strength .

The Savoir

This particular battle in question would allow conservatives to universally support a candidate who shares an array of deeply conservative values, while also banding together members of the Christian Right who feel Hillary Clinton is pure evil. This would in effect trump their concerns about Mormonism. It would bring unity to a party that is currently deeply divided.
I think that Romney would be smart to pick a tried and true conservative to run as the VP. I think you would hear names like Jeb Bush, Duncan Hunter, or Mike Huckabee bandied about. This would sure up support in the border states and the west where an opponents name recognition will do wonders this time next year.
More importantly, Romney will need someone who can counter the fact he suffers from John Kerry Syndrome, or JKS. JKS affects most politicians, but in a 24 hour news cycle, the flip flopping one does to gain mass appeal often destroys the consistency needed to appear “Presidential”. It typically makes you look lame, but the other side easily makes it look like you want to sell Nebraska to Sudan. If Romney can generate a “Uniter not a Divider”-esque moniker, real support from the voting population could be his. Plus he has that smile….wow! what a set of teeth.

Leondias in Drag

To paraphrase Chappelle, what can be said about the Hillary Clinton campaign that hasn’t already been said about Trans Fats, Afghanistan, or Ron Artest? Apparently Hillary is too overbearing and mean to generate the compassion needed to win the general election. The interesting aspect of this critique is that many on the Left and Center/Left have long had to view to the ills of the conservative regime without any recourse. I suspect most on the Left or Center/Left will fall into line and get behind a Clinton Presidential campaign like it was ’92. Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow…The Sequel.

If Hillary ends up with an exciting VP candidate, it could really change how the nation looks at her. However, I wonder if she really needs to change. Shouldn’t the first women President be the most hardcore chick on the block? Shouldn’t she be willing to run through a brick wall just to save the working class? I think so, but hey…I’m a romantic.

If Hillary plays it safe and goes with a Mark Warner or Bill Richardson, a race against Mitt Romney would be a nasty fight to the end. I think Team Clinton has what it takes to pull out all the stops. An opportunity to rewrite the legacy and make history is too important. Do not be amazed if one of her top three opponents,(The Big E, The Big O , or The Big Al) joins up for a run for the White House. Hilarious you say? ….A Clinton/Gore run in ’08 would run rough shot over all comers. 1992 indeed.

In a battle that this humble pundit feels can truly unite each party and in the end, help the country, Hillary’s options put her Over the Top. Until next time folks….

Strength and Honor…..

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Vacations Blow

Happy National Library Week!

As an Arbitor of American values, I find vacations to be a truly American pastime. A pastime however, that Karma has aparently determined I will never get to actually enjoy again.

I celebrated National Library Week (AKA my Spring Vacation) by having my car break down driving through my beloved Eastern Connecticut. Thus, I have been stranded in my apartment grading papers and listening to metal during a vacation week...again. You may recall new brakes precluded the Prez from enjoying Christmas break. I had been planning and waiting for this time off since since Febuary. At this rate, the Prez will end up being hit by a bus in June and be forced to spend my summer vacation in traction. I can't wait. To paraphrase Wilde, my walls and I are dualing it out on an hourly basis.

Operation Carribean Island may be put into action 15 years early....Where is the Absinthe when you need it?

So ,Again ....Happy National Library go read a book....

Hands Up, Fists Closed, Eyes Open.....

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Monday, April 16, 2007

What have we Learned? Nothing

Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The topic of murder has been on my mind for weeks. The current war on terror not withstanding, I recently covered with my students the Vietnam War, the shootings at Kent State and Jackson States, the RFK and MLK assassinations, and damaging environmental pollution by corporations in America.

When murders occur in America, most are accomplished with the use of guns. I equate guns with violence. Our military seeks out recruits on TV promoting "An Army of One". I believe this creates an evil dichotomy, Human Beings + guns=Violence.

The question must be asked, Can we as Americans be surprised when a person takes the lives of others acting on the elements of the violence that permeates our country and that we collectively support?

We fight terrorism abroad and yet see its destructive hand on the streets of our cities, in our schools, and in our homes all the time. The act of firing a gun is at the very least a means of creating a sense of terror. Thus, today every American no doubt must look deeply into their souls and think about the society we live in.

As the shock and horror of the shootings at Virginia Tech filtered through the news on Monday, it was impossible not to think about the shootings at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. I wondered out loud if the shooter thought he was an "Army of One".

I have since long been thankful my schools have often had some kind of break on the week of April 20th since. It was also clear to me that the nation had not learned enough in the past 8 years. Shootings at schools across the country has continued. Again, we had jackasses like Dr. Phil and Joe Scarbourgh on television getting on their pulpits to blame video games, movies, and music. Been there, done that. I am watching Rambo right now, and I don’t want to kill anyone. I do have an urge to join the Marines though…


The fight over gun control has been a political issue in America for generations. My own kin have long developed a concept that gun control only keeps the weapons away from the poor, so that the government can oppress them. However, this has not lead the particular kin in question to actually purchase a firearm. For me, guns could vanish and my life would not change. For millions of Americans, they would cry to the heavens that they have been wronged in a way that would destroy their lifestyles. Fine enough. We all live in a fear based society anyway. My take is that we should do more to raise the price of bullets. Would today’s massacre have been prevented if an 8mm clip of 19 was $25,000? I think so.

My students questioned me at length the past few weeks when the topic of gun control fell nicely into the curriculum. I gave them the bullet hypothesis and watched as their minds were blown. I explained that I had no problem with guns, just the bullets. The bullets would destroy the lives of millions in our life time. I was inundated with responses. “What about the sport of hunting?” “What about the 2nd amendment?” “Mr. Prez, you are a dirty hippie!”(said in Jest) “Where are your Birkenstocks?” “Your right” “Go drive a hybrid”. “My father is in the NRA” ‘I was shot by my brother”.

My response, “I love death metal, and thus I can’t be a hippie.” I added “Well the Birks are out of the closet,and the Hybrid will be purchased by 2025 when I can afford one.” (Now that is Teacher of the Year material).
Next time I will expose them to the Downing Street Memo. They will think up is down.

Now, it is time we check this out, and learn to stop the senseless violence in this country and around the world.

This particular speech seemed very apropos today.

Strength and Honor....

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 15, 1947

"There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free."-Jack Roosevelt Robinson

A visual learner? Check this out.

When the history of the American Empire is written in 1000 years, there should be a special section written about the Civil Rights movement and it’s impact on the course of events around the world. Pinpointing a starting point for the movement is impossible, because it began in the hearts and minds of millions of people seeking justice in a land of tyranny.

As a sports fanatic like me, who admires the social justice movements in America with an often passing fancy, I believe it is imperative to view April 15, 1947 as a crucial day in the progression of all mankind. It was of course on this day that Jackie Robinson played his first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black man to play Major League Baseball since Moses Fleetwood Walker in 1889.

By playing, Robinson destroyed the “gentlemen’s agreement” (Doublespeak-19th century style), by the owners of the Major League Baseball teams to deny blacks the opportunity to play in MLB, first by playing in the Dodgers minor league system with the Montreal Royals in 1946.

The symbolism of this event has long penetrated the deep seeded separation of Americans based on race. Robinson’s impact on race relations in America in many ways is on par with the later Civil Rights giants Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. This goes well beyond baseball.

In July of 1944, Robinson refused to move to the back of a military bus. This was 10 years before Rosa Parks helped set off the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Robinson was later found innocent in his court martial hearing for the act of “insubordination”. I am confident Robinson was destined to play a roll in improving America if he played baseball or not. Robinson inspired the next generation of black Americans to stand up to the injustices in America.

However, Robinson did play baseball. He performed at such a high caliber that he virtually changed the way the game would be played for generations to come. Robinson was a base stealin, a free wheelin defensive wizard, while also being an OPS machine. He was a wonderful combination of the best of the traditional and Moneyball styles that dominate today’s game.

The shananigans of the past week have shown that as a nation the United States of America has failed in its promise to promote equality through our commercial entertainment and legal system.

"Modern man is motivated not by the potential goodness in our hearts, but the agendas that energize us into action."=The Prez

Celebrating Jackie Robinson is crucial to continuing Americas goals and recognizing our past. In the course of human events, such practices bring together the best of our nature and unique elements of what energizes us. 60 years later, a new generation of Americans must be inspired by Jackie Robinson. April 15, 2007 must be the start of something important.

Next Time, the adventures of Tankman.

Strength and Honor.......

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

For Drew....

The Prez was going to wax poetic about the life and times of the now retired Drew Bledsoe. However, I found this, and my life may never be the same. For the first time in the history of April....I am officially ready for the 2007/2008 New England Patriots.

Strengh and Honor....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Prez on the Imus Situation

Until 6 months ago, I hadn't listened to "Imus In The Morning" since I was in Middle School. Since I get MSNBC in my classroom, I began watching the Imus broadcast each morning as I try to wake up and prepare for the day. I have a first period Prep everyday, which is awesome by the way….so I typically listened for a solid hour every morning.

I was at first amazed that the man was still alive, still looked like he had been dead for 25 years, and still regularly had each of the two distinguished Senators from Connecticut on the show. I was impressed that so many pundits and talking heads participated.

Soon after starting my morning routine, I began to recognize Imus was an older version of Ron Artest.

Let me explain. They each have Mutiple Personalities. Here is Don Imus, a guy who one moment would call out the leaders of America to increase funding for Autism research, bring national attention to veterans affairs issues (Especially the recent treatment of Iraqi War veterans at Walter Reed Hospital), and promote environmentally friendly living.

However, the show also routinely perpetuated a nasty streak toward women, over weight Americans, gays, and minorities. There were at least two dozen comments by Imus’s associated cast of cronies that caused me to immediately change the channel. The main culprit was the producer, Bernard Mcgirk, who is a Neanderthal of historic proportions. Imus would typically further Bernard’s commentary by trying to take the topic and riff, usually with a mocking accent and slang. Thus, it was not a question of if, but when, they riffed on a topic that would reach the masses as particularly hostile.

Thus Imus could have you willing to accept him for his charity, but disgusted by his words and demeanor. Just like Ron Artest, (Whose Rap Album was sold for charity, no matter how cruel and unusual it was to actually listen to).

Imus was right, you should have to understand the context of the show to truly understand the situation. This still in no way makes the words he uttered last week any less vitriolic. It is a crass show that often overstepped the line. Did Imus think his words were so hostile, no. He just can’t tell anymore. I am glad the media was willing to step up. If only if could do the same to the Bush Administration’s ineptitude and viciousness.

Luckily for me, the tired act had been wearing thin for 2 months. I had cut watching/listening to about ten minutes a morning. I supplemented doing actual work with watching the delightfully sassy Soledad O’Brian/Miles O’Brian/ Dr. Sanja Gupta Connection on CNN, and the ambiguously gay weather man Scott Haney on WFSB. (That’s right; I used “Delightfully Sassy” and “Ambiguously Gay” in a sentence. )

Now, I will seek out with enthusiasm the fine programming that will surely replace Imus on MSNBC. In the long run it won’t matter, I’ll still be a zombie until 8:30 every morning. To curb this situation, I vote for this.

I’m sure this whole episode with Imus will forever be seen as another example of the hostile and exploitative way in which old white men have interacted in a modern world that is increasingly slipping from their cold dieing hands.

Actually, I will probably be the only one who thinks this….

However, others will use the situation to further their agendas and seek to crack down on other …“shock jocks”… (such a pathetic term) …..and …..“Gangsta Rappers”….. (Even worse), for their mistreatment of women and minorities/misuse of the English language to defame people for money.

It could be a watershed moment for the aspect of our culture that uses evil to earn money, as nothing causes Americans to develop a conscious better then a prolonged scandal. Just ask Mel Gibson. I’d love for the 100 biggest selling music acts and radio personalities in America to stop it with the hate speech. I would love to be optimistic.

However, in the end…..Cash Rules Everything Around Us. So see you in 2033, when Ryan Seacrest says something inappropriate about President Diana Taurasi.

Here is some Proof. Truer words were never spoken….

Strength and Honor……

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Worst Masters Ever.....

The following is the running diary of the 2007 Masters Tournament...So Let It BE Written..So Let IT Be Done.

First some Ten Commandments commentary.

Is it wrong that Pharoah Ramses II grows on me every time I watch "The Ten Commandments", to the point I kind of want him to catch Moses at the end ?

Jethro of Mideon was a Piiimmmppp......

From my Cold Dead Hand...

The Burning Bush scene needs the Micheal Bay treatment. The whole film needs it actually. The wrath of god just doesn't have the same zing...

On to the Golf....A Tradition like No other, ....Except for Easter...or Passover...or crappy episodes of "LOST"...

Thursday 8:00 am
Here we go...Tiger, Phil, VJ, The Goose, and Mike Weir. A Tradition like no other...cue sappy CBS music....

No golf event conjures up the lure of the Masters. In many ways it is the last vestege of golfs' isolated past. However, with the Era of Tiger the appeal of the tournament as more then just for stuffy mint julip drinking racists has declined. Now the course only descriminates against the Ladies, which most men are down with.

2:00 pm
Most everyone is out on the coarse. The weather is awful. If scores stay as bad as they are now, I may have to actually go to church this weekend...

Friday 12:00 pm
After a very shaky start, the big names have to regroup, but this is not new. Many new faces, especially Justin Rose and Zach Johnson.
For people who play fantasy golf like me, having these two lads step up is a good thing.

The weather still sucks, but I am looking for Tiger to start turning heads. Phil looks uninspired.

Stewart Appleby is a great golfer. It is good Austrialia has moved on from the Greg Norman Era. That country is like a fusion of the best of Europe and America. Here is some more Proof. Could a new Paul Hogan movie be far away? I think not.

Saturday 4:00 pm
Friday's scores were terrible. The weather is too much for these guys.

You would think that if Tiger practices in Hurricanes that this shouldn't affect him, but he is golfing like a crack whore right now.

Forget about Phil , but here comes the Goose.

CBS is betting that Tiger can make a run, or they will loose money this year...

Saturday 6:00 pm
Tiger has started to make a move, but bogeys 17. My ass hurts from watching Tiger struggle for so long.

The weather is consistently refered to as "The worst in 50 years". Naturally, I blame it on ManBearPig.

Double Ouch for Appleby, who plays like a girl in the last three holes, and see's his lead evaporate.

The scores are awful. The golf is boring. I'm going to see Grindhouse.

Sunday 1:00
I hate watching old Golf footage. Its lame...Dennis Miller lame....

I want to fall asleep. The Masters has become as random and lame as Reno 911 or Napoleon Dynomite.

Sunday 5:00
Sabbitini is fading. Appleby is done. Johsson is surging. I am high on peanut butter eggs.

Jim Nantz is bad at announcing Basketball. He is awful at Golf. He fances himself the keeper of some mythical flame. He should be replaced with Steven A. Smith.

Even on the final day of the Masters, as the end is near, with Tiger two stokes off the lead, I find myself watching The Good Sheppard instead.

Now, I thought this film was boring the first time I watched it. But the sight of a +1 winning the Masters is enough for me to somehow view Matt Damon's performance on par with that of Kurt Russell in Grindhouse.

Zach Johnson wins with a +1, 289.

The Masters, a Tradition like the Buick Classic El Paso..Sponsered by Hooters and Ben Affleck......Good Grief....

Next time I do this, I will pick a sporting event with the Kentucky Derby.....

Now I get to watch the Red Sox on national TV.

God, Joe Morgan is terrible, its like if Family Guy focused solely on Meg Griffin.

Strength and Honor.....

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Destroying the Death Star

There are moments in life that change you. In a year of first for me, I found today to be unique. It all began during a class today as I passed out an essay assignment. When getting the assignment, a future inmate of a Federal Correctional Facility responded, “Mr. Prez, you are a massive Douche Bag” in anger, inciting a near riot in class. Many…and I mean many… would agree, but I digress…I was offended. This boy should have been tossed out years before my arrival. It is like dealing with two year old excrement.

Now for those of you who have known me for a while, you know my gusto for expletives has practically no bounds. I have been talking like a Saigon Whore since I was in the second grade, when my rage could no longer be caged.

As I have grown older, my vocabulary has become more Avant-Garde and I have mellowed out. However, in the category of expletives, I have remained a consistent source of vitriol for all who deserve it.

Almost amazingly, in the classroom I have transitioned into the “Czar of the Language Reprimand ”. In my position as educator, I have graduated to the rank of “Hypocritous Elitous”. I am no grammar ho, I don’t tell people how they butcher the English language. Even so, if I could refrain from swearing and talking like an illigitimate inbread moron in school for 20 years, anyone can.

In a twist, I have also been known to have an Ultimate Warrior/ Incredible Hulk style explosion when I am disrespected. You wouldn’t like me when I am angry.

After what will forever be known as “The Kid who will suck at life D-Bag Incident”, I found myself filling out paper work for the student's eventual 2 hours in ISS with a smile. I didn’t use my fists, diabolical verbiage, or dark sarcasm in the face of stupidity. I valued my position, my pay check, and I bottled the rage. Actually....I did use Dark Sarcasm. Sorry Roger Waters...its just how I role.

I was rewarded by Karma in the end. The song that blared from my car radio just happened to be a certain GnR classic.

It was then, …in the car, …that I realized I should have formed a G n R tribute band back in ‘91. I would be an awesome guitarist by now....

Hey, what can I say...the track we take to our Epiphany’s don’t always make sense people…

With a three day weekend to mull over some options, the Prez will return in the perfect sequel to "From Russia with Love", entitled "From Rhode Island with Affection". See you then!

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Worlds Oldest Profession

Part Two of the Prez's series, "The Whoring of America". Part One was published in the "One United", a Manchester United Fan magazine.

This weekend the nation was abuzz. No, it was not for the Final Four of Men’s (Disappointing) and Women’s (The ESPN Invitational) college basketball. No, it was not even for the start of the most beloved sport in the 15 foot radius around my apartment, Baseball. Instead the nation’s media outlets were transfixed by the announcements of each primary candidate’s first quarter fundraising efforts.

That’s right….Fundraising Efforts.

Like buying a Hummer, I found the whole episode disgusting. Are we supposed to be surprised that every fundraising record was broken? These people have been campaigning non stop since November, and in the case of the front runners, for years if not decades.

If you were surprised, stop reading this post and go back to living life with your head up your ass.

Interestingly Barack Obama held out from making the amount known, and was victorious in the early week news cycle for milking the suspense of his announcement like Vince McMahan at Wrestlemania.

Am I supposed to be impressed? Well…I am not. All this situation proves is that whoring yourself out to the highest bidder and creating a façade of optimism for the future is a skill. A demonic Rush Limbough/Peter Griffin kind of skill.

To perpetuate this “Primary Season”, Americans have been asked to be impressed by bags of blow instead of our normal vials of crack. I am blown away by our willingness to bow down to our "Leaders".

Yes, more money now could lead to big things later, but what happens when Hilary Clinton is seen by millions on YouTube slapping around a staffer, or when Mitt Romney is found to have a unique fish fetish ala Troy McClure.

And then there is Chris Dodd. By knowing his lack of funds, he must be contemplating pulling a Syd Barrett and just losing it. His new campaign theme song should be a certain Pink Floyd epic, crafted while in the depths of madness.

I can see him at a tour stop actually forgoing the stump speech for a happy jig with a kazoo singing “Now I’m wondering who is running my campaignnnnn”

Observations of the Week

-John McCain is old…very…very …old.
-Judith Giuliani is straight up bonkers. And no, not because she wants to sit in on Cabinet Meetings.
-Hilary Clinton is hated by more Americans then Billy Packer or Tom Cruise put together. And she might win! You telling me Howard Stern or Tom brady couldn't win this thing in a landslide?
-John Edwards is one Martin Sheen photo op from starring in The American President Part Duex
-Pat Buchannan needs to give it another go at the Presidency. It would be awesome.
-Billy Donovan…You next coach of the Boston Celtics.
-Joe Bidden is to American Politics as Kenny is to South Park.
-The Dennis Kucinich campaign song .Complete with bight colors. Hippies love bright colors.
-Listening to Don Imus on Radio or watching him on TV for a week ages a person 10 years.
-Mitt Romney’s smile could fuel a small island’s fishing industry.

Just remember folks...

“A Noble Sprit Embiggins us all” –Jebediah Springfield