Saturday, April 21, 2007

The 1/20/09 Chronicles

The following is The Prez's guest appearence at Presidential Politics, where the pundits kick ass and take part of a group of hypothetical match ups in the BATTLE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE.

Mitt Romney-The Savior (…of the Salt Lake Olympic Games)
Campaign Song “Don’t Stop Believing
Hillary Clinton-Leonidas in Drag (…Tonight …We Dine in Hell!)
Campaign Songs “Just as You Imagined” or “Black Mask

This hypothetical epic battle of the titans pits a relative newcomer to the national political scene against a calculating internationally known veteran. In this case, the Democrats very own Hillary Clinton and the GOP’s golden boy Mitt Romney. I would love this race, and not only because it would enhance the Northeast as the political center of American thought for the first time since 1786. I think it would really help America.

Each of these two candidates showed a tremendous ability to turn vocal support into financial support. When this is the case, it is like having a dominate closer …..ala Jonathan Papelbon, anything seems possible and the agenda becomes the promotion of optimism through strength .

The Savoir

This particular battle in question would allow conservatives to universally support a candidate who shares an array of deeply conservative values, while also banding together members of the Christian Right who feel Hillary Clinton is pure evil. This would in effect trump their concerns about Mormonism. It would bring unity to a party that is currently deeply divided.
I think that Romney would be smart to pick a tried and true conservative to run as the VP. I think you would hear names like Jeb Bush, Duncan Hunter, or Mike Huckabee bandied about. This would sure up support in the border states and the west where an opponents name recognition will do wonders this time next year.
More importantly, Romney will need someone who can counter the fact he suffers from John Kerry Syndrome, or JKS. JKS affects most politicians, but in a 24 hour news cycle, the flip flopping one does to gain mass appeal often destroys the consistency needed to appear “Presidential”. It typically makes you look lame, but the other side easily makes it look like you want to sell Nebraska to Sudan. If Romney can generate a “Uniter not a Divider”-esque moniker, real support from the voting population could be his. Plus he has that smile….wow! what a set of teeth.

Leondias in Drag

To paraphrase Chappelle, what can be said about the Hillary Clinton campaign that hasn’t already been said about Trans Fats, Afghanistan, or Ron Artest? Apparently Hillary is too overbearing and mean to generate the compassion needed to win the general election. The interesting aspect of this critique is that many on the Left and Center/Left have long had to view to the ills of the conservative regime without any recourse. I suspect most on the Left or Center/Left will fall into line and get behind a Clinton Presidential campaign like it was ’92. Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow…The Sequel.

If Hillary ends up with an exciting VP candidate, it could really change how the nation looks at her. However, I wonder if she really needs to change. Shouldn’t the first women President be the most hardcore chick on the block? Shouldn’t she be willing to run through a brick wall just to save the working class? I think so, but hey…I’m a romantic.

If Hillary plays it safe and goes with a Mark Warner or Bill Richardson, a race against Mitt Romney would be a nasty fight to the end. I think Team Clinton has what it takes to pull out all the stops. An opportunity to rewrite the legacy and make history is too important. Do not be amazed if one of her top three opponents,(The Big E, The Big O , or The Big Al) joins up for a run for the White House. Hilarious you say? ….A Clinton/Gore run in ’08 would run rough shot over all comers. 1992 indeed.

In a battle that this humble pundit feels can truly unite each party and in the end, help the country, Hillary’s options put her Over the Top. Until next time folks….

Strength and Honor…..


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