Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The GOP Blues

Fred Dalton Thompson....Law and Order wind bag....potential candidate for President in 2008.

Fred Thompson’s main claim to fame is being as an actor/politician. Now GOP strategists are trying to remake this oafish sloth into a Reagan-esque charismatic man of the common people.

I am a bit disgusted by the whole charade. The country needs leaders, not more fake grandstanding on behalf of people who see that control is slipping from their cold dieing hands. What's next, Bo Derek as Secretary of Education?

Fred Thompson is riding the wave of a bizarre campaign by Fox News and other conservative media outlets to find a “true conservative “. It shows just how desperate the GOP is at the moment. It is like having a kazoo solo in the middle of a depressing song about madness.

If this guy ends up President, he will make President Bush look like FDR. This is the guy who routinely said he did not like how much work was involved in being a Senator. Can you imagine him as the POTUS? A Fred Dalton Thompson presidency hurts America. Lazy Presidents rely on military action instead of the effort required to be a true statesmen. However, a Thompson run could further damage the GOP, which is fine. I’m torn…..

Anyway..Its good to be back

Strength and Honor.....

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Year in Review

The tenuous life of the Prez has taken a few twists and turns in recent weeks. As he continues to be tempted by the existence of the Powerball Lottery and the Travel Channel, along with the bizarre escapist mindset it creates, it is time for the May version of the The Best of 2007.

As in the past, these are the opinions of just one man…albeit a particular tough talkin’, intellectually stimulated, piece of man meat.

Best Rock Duo of the Year
Local H
No other duo really matters…..really…Anyone else is just an imitator…even that group from D-Town….with that virtuoso guitarist and shitty drummer….yeah that one.

Best Album of the Year
1.The Nightwatchman-One Man Revolution……pure genius.
2.Nine Inch Nails-Year Zero…..Rezner in all his pessimistic glory. Like all of the past albums, A crazy combination of Thom Yorke’s solo stuff and Metallica’s energy.
3.John Mellencamp-Freedom’s Road….Did you know, this is Ouuurrrrrrr Counnnntryyyy
4.Arcade Fire-Neon Bible……..For everyone’s inner indie rock vagina monologue.

Waiting on Radiohead, Metallica, GnR, Dr.Dre, Velvet Revolver….making the list above practically useless. Sorry.

Best Film
1.The 300-You know I loved the trailers, and the film lived up the intensity of the hype. No clip needed. You have seen them all.
2.Blades of Glory-The second in the Will Ferrall sports trilogy was good. Better then the first.
3.The Grindhouse- Tarentino and Rodriguez…enough said.

Best Politician
1.Ron Paul-The Republican X factor?
2.Hillary Clinton-Kicking Ass and taking names, and unifying Republicans everywhere...
3.Obama-has gained one name status. Now he needs an issue...
4.Mitt Romney-The old man parties flip-flopper. But what about that Smile!
5. Chris Dodd- Won the 1st democratic debate in many people’s eyes, but has the most ground to make up..

Worst Fantasy Baseball picks so far
1.Chris Carpenter-Ouch!
2.Mark Texeria- Mr.Tex should have been called Mr.Juice.
3.BJ Ryan-Ouch!
4.Dice K and Ervin Santana-Don’t believe the hype?
5.Jason Giambi-Because cheaters should never be cheered. Has anyone been more forgotten in the Steroids Scandal then the Giambino? I blame the media and it’s NY bias. Then we wonder how ESPN can do reports on people thinking the Anti-Berry Bonds crowd is racist.

Best News of the Year
1.Randy Moss traded to New England-It makes me smile every time I think about it.
2.Rage Against the Machine Reunites-An electric performance at Coachella '07. Its time for more! Those guys are the Mick and Keith of progressive musical activism.
3.Mavericks Lose! Mavericks Lose!- The longer Stephen Jackson's season is extended the greater the chances of a "Stephen Jackson Moment"

Remember kids…This land is your land

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