Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Casting the First Stone? Maybe not....

"The cause of America is in a great measure, the cause of all mankind"-Thomas Paine, Common Sense

I wonder where this sentiment leaves me today. The other day I was asked by two people, who have never met each other, and five hours apart mind you, to volunteer for a candidate running for congress this November. I thought it was a great cause for personal reflection. Now, in my daily life I am bombarded with discussion pieces. For example, discussions I had with friends in the past two days include; Abe Alverez or David Pauley to get an emergency start for the Sox against the Jays? Dandy Doughnuts or Dunkin' Doughnuts in the morning? Brangelina's baby or Bennifer's baby in a fist fight? Other hot topics included, The Back to the Future Two Conundrum, Why American Idol Sucks, The Ewing Theory, Why Jay Leno Sucks, and of course, Why Tom Brady is so damn dreamy. Notice a theme? ...........It is all filler. No discussion about hardly anything of substance. I am an educated white man in America. I also am the master of my domain,.... every now and again. And yet, somehow I am still intrigued by the fact that Coco Crisp likes mint chocolate chip ice cream over French vanilla. Did I mention I was single?

Which gets me back to the issue of volunteering. Volunteering is an essential act for people who want to see a change in our society. It is what allows us to stop worrying about being consumers of products, while providing an opportunity to be consumers of critical thought and inquiry. It's the clearest way of cutting through the bullshit and getting to the heart of the matter, especially in campaigns for congree. It is about taking part beyond just voting, as it doesn't have to just be college kids and their grandparents taking charge anymore. It gives us a chance to be competitive, while discussing matters that actually have an impact in the daily lives of our local communities as an evolving enterprise.

Did I mention I was asked to volunteer by members of both political parties? This provides more of a problem then many of you who know me would think. Sure, I favor the "core values" of one party over the other. However, both parties kind of make me sick. And, did I mention I was single? I think I paraphrase one of the Kennedy's when I say, "It is tough not to turn down the potential for sex when politics is involved." Hot conservative women just do it for me I guess. There is nothing more American then that.....

This is what we all face in some way. Do we seek titillation over a chance to do something meaningful? It is going to be Access Hollywood or The McLaughlin Group?
We live in an Access Hollywood world, and what can that say about America and Mankind at the moment? Do true revolutionaires out to destroy tyranny have to be dickless wonders in the mold of Obi Won Konobi?
More discussion pieces to ponder I guess.

Try and volenteer this summer, it does a soul good, even if the motivations are less then pure.

Peace out,
Prez Webb

Friday, May 19, 2006

Starting the Revolution Part 1

I am being held down by the Man right now. Capitolism, which also stole my virginity at age 15, has me more focused on getting a teaching job at the moment.

It is not that I am lazy, as Senator Clinton feel everyone of my age is. However, the question must be raised, how has this government benefitted from the apathy of the American people? I think this wil be a common theme is many of my ramblings.

On with the Show....

I am clutch, and clutch is everything in life. Quite frankly, that is the biggest problem facing America today. Leadership in Washington, on both sides of the isle, feels it is best to speak to the American public like we are children, which has caused a regression of capable people willing to seek real change for the improvement of our world. Those that do are cast off as heretics. Those that are in power sustain power for power's sake. Since they do not feel challenged by the American people, as long as they are not being indicted, there is no reason to step up to the plate and be a clutch performer. It is time we start making some noise, not about the evils of the current administration, but a system that allows for evil to be perpetrated consistently across political lines and feeds off of apathy.

How do we start?
Education. We must take the conceptions created by Pualo Freire and John Dewy to heart and practice an open minded form of education that seeks to not only instill academic skills but also empower students to recognize the social injustices in our society and challenge them to learn to use the social skills that can destroy these injustices when put into practice.

Politcal Action. Do not accept crap. If crap exists, write the newspaper or call the TV news to expose the wasted efforts that eat away at our democracy. Run for office. We can change the system from within. Protest. Your voice not only matters, but is vital for the development of anything new. It is the easiest, cheapest way to give people a chance to pause and reflect on the matters causing the most concern to the world.

Read. Take time to consume as much information on anything and everything. The powers that be have read, and they do not want you to do the same. The best way to stick it the elite is to use their own weapons against them. Books, articles, and journals provide the information needed to generate ideas and concepts beyond what we are provided by the rest of the our 24 hour cable news culture.

Write. The forefathers and the Shawshank Redemption provide us with a blueprint. All it takes is time and pressure. The written word is the common man's AK-47.

Be Friendly. Go out and have relationships with people different then you. It is a good way to blow off steem and for a brief time, not worry that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Just be respondsible with what you allow into your body!

Now get offline and call a friend......

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It Begins

This morning I decided to Start the Revolution. So get ready people....