Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Casting the First Stone? Maybe not....

"The cause of America is in a great measure, the cause of all mankind"-Thomas Paine, Common Sense

I wonder where this sentiment leaves me today. The other day I was asked by two people, who have never met each other, and five hours apart mind you, to volunteer for a candidate running for congress this November. I thought it was a great cause for personal reflection. Now, in my daily life I am bombarded with discussion pieces. For example, discussions I had with friends in the past two days include; Abe Alverez or David Pauley to get an emergency start for the Sox against the Jays? Dandy Doughnuts or Dunkin' Doughnuts in the morning? Brangelina's baby or Bennifer's baby in a fist fight? Other hot topics included, The Back to the Future Two Conundrum, Why American Idol Sucks, The Ewing Theory, Why Jay Leno Sucks, and of course, Why Tom Brady is so damn dreamy. Notice a theme? ...........It is all filler. No discussion about hardly anything of substance. I am an educated white man in America. I also am the master of my domain,.... every now and again. And yet, somehow I am still intrigued by the fact that Coco Crisp likes mint chocolate chip ice cream over French vanilla. Did I mention I was single?

Which gets me back to the issue of volunteering. Volunteering is an essential act for people who want to see a change in our society. It is what allows us to stop worrying about being consumers of products, while providing an opportunity to be consumers of critical thought and inquiry. It's the clearest way of cutting through the bullshit and getting to the heart of the matter, especially in campaigns for congree. It is about taking part beyond just voting, as it doesn't have to just be college kids and their grandparents taking charge anymore. It gives us a chance to be competitive, while discussing matters that actually have an impact in the daily lives of our local communities as an evolving enterprise.

Did I mention I was asked to volunteer by members of both political parties? This provides more of a problem then many of you who know me would think. Sure, I favor the "core values" of one party over the other. However, both parties kind of make me sick. And, did I mention I was single? I think I paraphrase one of the Kennedy's when I say, "It is tough not to turn down the potential for sex when politics is involved." Hot conservative women just do it for me I guess. There is nothing more American then that.....

This is what we all face in some way. Do we seek titillation over a chance to do something meaningful? It is going to be Access Hollywood or The McLaughlin Group?
We live in an Access Hollywood world, and what can that say about America and Mankind at the moment? Do true revolutionaires out to destroy tyranny have to be dickless wonders in the mold of Obi Won Konobi?
More discussion pieces to ponder I guess.

Try and volenteer this summer, it does a soul good, even if the motivations are less then pure.

Peace out,
Prez Webb


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