Saturday, November 25, 2006

Lame, James Lame….

Attention...The following is the Prez's official review of the film Casino Royale. It contains some plot spoilers and broad descriptions of the plot and character development. Enjoy!

The Opening Credit Song-

-Non-Audioslave Chris Cornell, a little too “Rock Star Supernova” for me….

The new James Bond movie is crap. I can’t say it any more clearly. Seeing the symbol of masculine cold war espionage suck so badly was like going to heaven and seeing god smoking crack.

The biggest problem was that I spent the week prior to my viewing Casino Royale watching about 14 previous Bond movies, many of them awesome. The idea of making the 21st Bond film a retelling of the first bond story is ill conceived because we know what happens. It was like sitting through the first two Star Wars prequels, simply painful. I don’t care if there was a time when Bond didn’t drink vodka martini, shaken not stirred. I am just not down with the whole "rebooting" of series that have run their due coarse that people still see as a revenue source. I didn't even really like the newest Batman film, in which the same tactics were used.

The Bond films have ebbed and flowed over the years, playing on the nature of viewer sensibilities, from the cheeky and witty, to the exploitative and badass, to the hardcore anti-communist. With no cold war, the enemy has become ambiguous terrorist organizations. More on this later.

In Casino Royale, the poker scenes lacked major elements that ESPN has made a requirement to viewing any game of No Limit, namely the table camera and commentary by Norman Chad. Thus, there is little to no tension built. How can we root for Bond if we don’t know if he can throw playing cards through fruit and and assorted veggies? Also, are we to believe that some Albanian terrorist financier is a master poker playing genius, and yet some how decided not to go to the World Series of Porker to recoup any of his lost money? Who in the name of Mike McD could consider this scenario possible? I am no poker genius, but Le Chiffe’s tell is awful, even worse the KGB’s. Sorry, any poker movie must be compared to Rounders. It is the standard. Also, as a life long resident of Connecticut, why does the poker game end up happening in Montenegro? Connecticut not fancy or international enough, not enough in need of a tourism boost? You know that shit should have taken place at either Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun.

What can I say, I rep my hood. Holla…

Plot wise, my dislike for the film does go beyond that. We live in the post Jack Bauer world here people. Thus, the exploits of the Bond character never seem hardcore, but often ridiculous, even when being tortured. You don’t deal with terrorism with wit and charm. You do it in a race against time where every move means almost certain death and where the government agency is not to be trusted under any circumstance. We do no live with our heads in the sand, why do the heroes in our movies?
A plot surrounding James Bond trying to outwit a financier of Terrorism is just lame. Oh no…..not a banker!!! We all know who finances terrorism in the real world anyway. They exist in every country, and live regular lives. They don’t own huge yachts and hustle people at poker. All you need to do is follow the money, not hack into some top secret database to figure this out. The fact that James Bond was helped by the Mujahideen (The Taliban ) in The Living Daylights (1987) to fight the Soviets is something that could and should be explored as a way of commenting on the west’s schizophrenic involvement in the region.

The Bond movies are escapist affairs, and thus make practically no comment on the actual chaos that exists all over the world. It is their greatest downfall, and yet this sentiment has occurred throughout the past Forty years. They were saying this during Vietnam and certainly after the 72’ Olympics. How about Bond trying directly to stop the war in Iraq, Global Warming, or the genocide in Darfur? How about Bond helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina, or creating universal healthcare? Ok,…I went a bit overboard there. However, in today’s reality, the character of James Bond becomes a symbol of the real British/American governments, and their inability to be solution orientated about several real life situations. Over 200 people were slaughtered in sectarian violence in Bagdad on Thanksgiving day. We are supposed to just forget about that and care some Trick Ass took money from James Bond. I just can’t, even if Caterina Murino and Eva Green both have giant natural breasts.

The film's casting was alright. Daniel Craig was good, but I have always concluded a better choice for a more gritty Bond would have been the immortal Clive Owen. Owen may be the best British actor ever, so perhaps it is best he stayed away from the terrible Bond scripts anyway. Eva Green is smokin’ fine, but since I saw her first in The Dreamers, it is a little disorienting to see her with clothes on not participating in scenes of incest. Judi Dench is great, but M as a women has taken some getting used to. The dude who plays Le Chiffe does the best with what he is given, but lets face it, even George Lucas could have written a better villain and ....dare I say, better dialogue.

The Prez’s official review:
Casino Royale gets 2 out of 5 Copies of The Communist Manifesto.
$-Do not pay full price to see this movie. It is far better then most DVD's that have come out in the past 6 months, but consider yourself warned.

Strength and Honor Comrades....

Monday, November 20, 2006

If I Did It…

“The path to Auschwitz was paved with indifference”-Ian Kershaw

Life in America in 2006 has been full of ups and downs. I often wonder how our history will be written and studied a thousand years from now. Thankfully for the newsmakers, the lucrative advances for the writing of personal memoirs have become the ideal vehicle for which to recast one’s life in the reflective glory of the mass consumer culture. (I know, I deserve a Pulitzer…)

This past week saw the nation make a collective shrieking gasp when it was announced that OJ Simpson would be writing a “hypothetical” account of what may have happened that horrific Spring evening in Brentwood California in 1994 entitled “If I DID IT, Here’s how it happened”. Since the 10th anniversary of the verdict of the OJ Trial last fall, I have taken the time to study the facts of that trial in and out, reading court transcripts, articles, editorials, and watching news reports. Today, there is no doubt in my mind OJ is guilty of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. Even if he didn’t kill them himself, he knew those murder was going to take place and was at the seen, I am convinced. This is a far cry from the naïve 14 year old who sat in Ms. Dembeck’s Spanish class in 1995, and smiled with images of Tim Meadows as The Juice on SNL when the verdict of “Not Guilty” was read.

While the nation can now take a collective breath with the news that the announced OJ book and Fox TV interview have been called off, I wonder what will happen when other controversial/murderous figures in our nation choose to write their memoirs. Tops on the list, George W. Bush. Will there be the same outrage? Will we take a stand against indifference and revisionist rhetoric? Will we take the time to do the research about what really has happened in the past 6 years?

I read Bill Clinton’s “My Life” and found it to be decidedly un-kinky; a pile of hogwash lacking in the natural Peter Griffinesque charisma of the man.Practically no discussion of his lack of personal character. I now worry that the nation will quickly forget the horrors of the current catastrophe in Iraq. I wonder if and when Shit for Brains and his vile henchmen write their memoirs if the nation will stop in horror to protest the unmistakable hubris that has cost America politically, economically, and socially at home and around the globe. He is OJ times 2867 (at the time of this entry). I wonder how Ass Face and Mr. Armageddon will spin their own vote to give Shit for Brains the power to go to war, something that destroyed their chances for a victory in 2004. The problem is that the apathetic nature of the masses will probably leave the discussion of Bush’s legacy to the jingoistic clowns on Fox News and CNN.

We are indifferent to the revisionist perspectives of our history because time heals wounds and we move one. We have forgotten the Red Summer of 1919, the Rosewood Massacre of 1923, and the yellow journalism of 1898, and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War Two. However, we must remember the insanity of 2002 and 2003, when the nation’s media institutions, economic institutions, and most importantly, political institutions, froze in the face of supposed WMD’s, an Arab Nationalist dictator, and chose to abdicate our ability to think critically providing total power to the boy prince, Shit for Brains. We must do the grunt work, if for no other reason then to hope against hope that we can learn from our wretched recent past. We must push the new congress to investigate the current administration’s actions from 2001 to the present, consider it an espresso for the masses.

Playtimes over…Its go time…

Strength and Honor Comrades….

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Random Thoughts

On ocaision, the Pres stays up and vents late into the evening. Consider it a running log of late night television and how depressing it is. It is his proverbial drunken phone messege to the world.....

It is 12:28 in the morning and I have been watching Band of Brothers for three hours. I plan on using it this week for U.S History. I am the greatest teacher alive. Here we go....

-Tony's Pizza in Willimantic Connecticut is the greatest eatery in the world.

-My car will now and forever be known as The General Grant.

-If Joe Liebermen chooses to play a role in the 2008 election, by running in any way, I may start a petition to have his ass ousted for sucking so badly. We talking Jaime Fox in Booty Call lame here.

-The most exciting moment in the history of American politics was July 11, 1804, in the epic dual between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Some call this a victory of irrationality that destroyed both men, but at least it was real. Anything that happens in 2008 will be the result of an antiseptic, media driven career campaigning that makes the victor out to be little more then a whore who got lucky.

-The Connecticut River Valley is some of the nicest land in the Northeast. In some parts, Cow Tipping is a spectator sport.

-An interesting side note to the breakdown of the Spears/Federline marriage. I wondered how many men would even be interested in her now. Sure she is still worth millions, and may eventually be hot again, but she has also proven to be simple white trash and pretty irrelivent.

-Two Point Conversion? Randy Edsall has great intestinal fortitudes, but when you got got nothing to lose...

-Alec Baldwin is a comedy pimp.

-Aaron Sorkin needs to start eating shrooms again.

-If I was John Mayer, I'd kick my own ass, then sleep with three groupies.

-I think we are all glad that Back to the Future was not written by Martin Scorsese. I am confident that if it had been Marty would have wacked Biff execution style and Doc would do so much blow in 1955 that by the end of the movie his 1985 counterpart would be totally goofy and out of control..oh wait......

-If you met Oj Simpson , Would you heckle him? I would, "Oh No...The Juice is Loose..Help!!!"

-This is ouuuuurrrrrr Countryyyyy.

-I can not watch this enough. I do not know why.

-How did I pass on Micheal Redd again this season?

-Keifer Sutherland is one fucking wierd dude. He is the Mike Mussina of Fox network.

-MTV needs to be stopped. Along with Fox News, they may be the biggest pervayer of shit television in the world. Thats right..worse then Al-Jazerra. No wonder young people have to tunr to You Tube.

Three Bold Predictions..
-Ohio State is going to destroy Michigan.
-The Patriots will not win the Super Bowl without Rodney Harrison.
-The Celtics may not win ten games with Doc Rivers

-If he ever hurts you....True love won't desert know I still love you ....(inaudible)...Our Separate Ways!!!!

-Lou Holtz is talking, and I am feeling sleepy...Coincidence? I think not.

-The "YOU GOTTA PAY WHAT YOU OWE" episode of the Boondocks should be shown on CBS this holiday season right before A Charlie Brown Christmas.

-Auburn and Alabama U lost today. Forrest Gump will be on the rampage....

Its 1:11.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Two Days Off? Lets Write a Blog.....

After weeks of anxiety over the outcome of the midterm elections, I think it is best to get back to real reason for this blog, subjecting friends and family to my narrow minded, Napoleonic view of our culture.

One statement on the elections before I begin. I think the results will be good for America, but the second G.W. Bush's State of the Union speech ends in January, the gloves will come off and it will be all about each party trying to destroy the other in 2008. The two party system is hurting the Republic . A more thought out analysis of the election can be found at .

Critical Thinking Question of the Week-How was the Rumsfeld Era for You?
The Most Underrated Songs of All time

-An example of why the G-Gunk Era was so profound.

-Simply some of the greatest guitar pieces ever created on Planet Earth.

-This version of this song is now my official anthem. I have my servants,....ah ...Students.... play this in a radio as they walk behind me.

-Where the past ends and the present begins….

-What a voice, what a sound, what a video, and Neal Shon once again!....

-The Bush Years…

-ah temper temper....

-A double from the best band of the late 90’s.

-No introduction Necessary

Tony Snow is a tool..... Ed Bradley was awesome....Watching Cold Pizza is worse then breaking a finger.....Whatever happened to the Tommy Gun?.....
Also, my new favorite site is . Allison may be my soulmate. Why? The phrase "Anything but Country" speaks volumes about her character as a human being and the apparent cosmic connection we share.

Next Time, Bootleggin' The Truth

-Strength and Honor Comrades

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Prez on Voting

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes ‘Twas his intent,
To blow up the King and Parliament
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow….

On November 5th, 1605 a Catholic explosives expert named Guy Fawkes was arrested in a tunnel in the depths of London as he prepared to position enough explosives capable of blowing up the Houses of Parliament as part of a larger conspiracy to create revolution in England. This story of coarse was recently brought to many Americans via the film V for Vendetta in 2005, the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Treason. In the film, a masked anti-government “freedom fighter” seeks to bring about the downfall of a totalitarian regime by blowing up symbols of institutional power and creating chaos in the hopes of aggressively agitating the people to stand up to their nihilistic overlords.

If the film has a redeeming quality, it is its message that the power of words is the most accessible weapon of choice for the masses to create socio-cultural change. Anyone could have just bought a KRS-One album to figure this out, but this message is especially important when responding to our “Silent Obedient Consent” in the face of fear politics, exploitation, and scapegoating by both conservatives and liberals in power. Of course, the films’ message is lost in the face of the protagonist’s thirst for violence and destruction, i.e. his vendetta. According to Wikipedia, David Walsh, from the World Socialist Website criticizes V's actions as "antidemocratic" and cites the film as an example of "the bankruptcy of anarcho-terrorist ideology" ,stating that because the people have not played any part in the revolution, they will be unable to produce a "new, liberated society." I must say, despite my own revolutionary tendencies, I felt the same way after viewing the film. Revolutions that extol demagoguery are shakier then Drew Bledsoe in the pocket, and a hell of a lot more destructive.

As we race toward an election this Tuesday and look ahead to 2008, it is important to take this time to reflect on the notion of voting as a means of creating change. Now, let it be known, that the Prez feels that the potential for creating regime change via the voting booth represents the best of our nature as human beings. It is what separates us from the irrationality of extremism seen around the world. With that said, I feel that it is time that people re-examine the entire apparatus of voting in America. As I have stated in the past, after two major voting catastrophes in 2000 and 2004, my confidence in the current system has been shaken, seemingly forever. While this coming Tuesday there remains the potential for optimism, I feel it lies more in competition then in seeking to create a more perfect world.

In a recent interview, Bill Clinton said that Democrats should see the example of Republican rule for the past 6 years. Even with total control, they GOP has squandered it’s political capital and defamed many of the principles it held paramount. (Fiscal Responsibility? Switchgrass? No Child Left Behind? Please….) Thus, it is left to the masses to fill the void where logic and political policies are at a disconnect. Unlike his penchant for fat chicks, Clinton is not wrong about this.

"You Gotta Pay What You Owe !"-Huey Freeman, The Boondocks

My biggest concern now is that the masses are a bunch of idiots. Even if I am wrong about this, aspects of our human nature seek safety and security that also allow us to be deceived, bought, and unable to lash out against tyranny in our times of need. It is learned hopelessness. Even as the injustices and inequities of the Westphalian State gives way to our collective silence through the process of Globalization, middle and lower class Americans seek not control, but a piece of the pie. It energizes us to seek the American Dream, even as we become increasingly marginalized as a whole and the American Dream becomes an impossible carrot that keeps us under the proverbial thumb of the ruling class.

The greatest fear of the middle class in America is not the immigration of Mexicans, but the politics of tyranny. In voting, we have a vehicle that seemingly allows us to change our reality, but it doesn’t often happen. I think it is because of our problems with choice and the question of where our true loyalties lie. Case in point, the entire factions of the American populace that are convinced the Rapture is upon us and the current war in Iraq is beginning of the end times. Thus, instead of seeking peace, they seek policies that stay the course on the road to Armageddon. Does voting become the tool of those in power to maintain power? You Bet.
How long will the Katharine Harris’s of the world be allowed to defame democracy and come out on top? Until we use the ballot box to create change or the world explodes.

The problem is that not enough Americans vote. In the past I have advocated for compulsory voting practices, three day elections, and even making election days national holidays. I stress voting as a means of creating change, and at the very least as a means of remembering that millions have died to create, protect, and sustain our right to vote no matter who you are. It easily falls on deaf ears. Now with roughly half the total population voting (and that is being kind) all the person needs to win a presidential election in America is get just above a quarter of the total population vote.

We need to solve these issues fast. I think if more people vote and were active in the future of our world, that even if the voting practices are in fact fixed as I believe (, we shall overcome. Hope still lies in the action of voting here in America. Until we can come together as a nation, people will need to continue to Remember the 5th of November, because we choose not to recognize the greater magnitude of the 7th of November.

Strengh and Honor Comrades.......

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Doing the Bull Dance...Feeling the Flow.....

After a tragic week here in the Connecticut River Valley I think it is best to drop a few dimes as we head into one of the most insane months of the year.

-The local Comcast provider sets up MSG for Knicks games on channel 98. Thus, I can see first hand the final act of the debacle that is the Isiah Thomas ERA in NY. ‘Should be exciting…

-This also provides a chance to watch more of Gus Johnson, the most underrated sports announcer in America.

-Nothing beats driving a Suberu. It is the epitome of comfort and class in an automobile. That said, paying for new parts is for the frickin' birds man....

-Between TNT, ESPN, ESPN2, MSG, FSN, and YES, my ability to watch an NBA game almost every night despite not having a premium NBA package is outstanding. Five games on tonight to choose from. I may not go out at night again until June, unless it is to a game of course.

-The idea of Fantasy Congress is brilliant, and one that I have had since 2000. Joining a league today was the columniation of 6 years of hope and optimism, all which of coarse will be dashed if Rosa DeLauro and David Wu (Who is full of Tremendous Upside Potential) shit the bed.

-The early retirement of Ian Cheney from “BigChe’s BigBlog” to make time for work and women came as a shock to this blogger. Here’s to hoping that he’ll find the time to enlighten us all again in the future. If any of you don’t yet know, Teaching is a bitch. Plus, next year we do our BEST portfolios, so maybe this move can be seen as more of a preemptive strike against the insanity that jumping these many burning hoops seeks to cause in the psyche’s of professional educators here in Connecticut.

-The discovery of Meth labs in the isolated redneck haven of East Hampton last month prompted many community officials to call for better precautions when purchasing sinus medicine in all the local area towns. I think having to sign a log book to buy Sudafed is enough, and if you are willing to take a drug that put holes in your face, you deserve it for being a moron. When it comes to taking drugs, I find myself becoming more and more of a Social Darwinist on the matter. Take them if you want, but if you are willing to fuck with deadly and demoralizing shit, it is your loss. To quote Dr. Dre ,“Fuck Y’all, I like Breathing”

…..That’s right, I just quoted Dr. Dre to emphasize my anti-drug message!

…I believe in the power of Irony…

-After reading a couple of years worth of Rolling Stone and watching MSNBC non stop for the last couple of weeks, not to mention being ass-fucked by the elections in 2000 and 2004, I am convinced the election on Tuesday has already been fixed by the ruling elites and the voting machine company CEOs who go down on them. Sorry….

-Like the Keith Foulke ERA, I think the Wally Sczerbiak ERA in Boston needs to end.

-The “Borat” movie looks funny, but didn’t Yakov Smirnoff and Balki Bartokomous already beat the whole “Eastern European in America” shtick to death in the 1980’s?

-I am all for respecting history, but the fine ass Boston Celtic dancers/cheerleaders will only add to my viewing experience.

-You know things are bad in America when students begin to ask “Who was Vanilla Ice ?”

-Payton Manning blows....

-Wouldn't it be better if Micheal Douglas in "The American President" died at the end?

-Remember …Remember …The 5th of November …

More on this next time…

Strength and Honor……