Random Thoughts
On ocaision, the Pres stays up and vents late into the evening. Consider it a running log of late night television and how depressing it is. It is his proverbial drunken phone messege to the world.....
It is 12:28 in the morning and I have been watching Band of Brothers for three hours. I plan on using it this week for U.S History. I am the greatest teacher alive. Here we go....
-Tony's Pizza in Willimantic Connecticut is the greatest eatery in the world.
-My car will now and forever be known as The General Grant.
-If Joe Liebermen chooses to play a role in the 2008 election, by running in any way, I may start a petition to have his ass ousted for sucking so badly. We talking Jaime Fox in Booty Call lame here.
-The most exciting moment in the history of American politics was July 11, 1804, in the epic dual between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Some call this a victory of irrationality that destroyed both men, but at least it was real. Anything that happens in 2008 will be the result of an antiseptic, media driven career campaigning that makes the victor out to be little more then a whore who got lucky.
-The Connecticut River Valley is some of the nicest land in the Northeast. In some parts, Cow Tipping is a spectator sport.
-An interesting side note to the breakdown of the Spears/Federline marriage. I wondered how many men would even be interested in her now. Sure she is still worth millions, and may eventually be hot again, but she has also proven to be simple white trash and pretty irrelivent.
-Two Point Conversion? Randy Edsall has great intestinal fortitudes, but when you got nothing..you got nothing to lose...
-Alec Baldwin is a comedy pimp.
-Aaron Sorkin needs to start eating shrooms again.
-If I was John Mayer, I'd kick my own ass, then sleep with three groupies.
-I think we are all glad that Back to the Future was not written by Martin Scorsese. I am confident that if it had been Marty would have wacked Biff execution style and Doc would do so much blow in 1955 that by the end of the movie his 1985 counterpart would be totally goofy and out of control..oh wait......
-If you met Oj Simpson , Would you heckle him? I would, "Oh No...The Juice is Loose..Help!!!"
-This is ouuuuurrrrrr Countryyyyy.
-I can not watch this enough. I do not know why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzChi6-RwWU&mode=related&search
-How did I pass on Micheal Redd again this season?
-Keifer Sutherland is one fucking wierd dude. He is the Mike Mussina of Fox network.
-MTV needs to be stopped. Along with Fox News, they may be the biggest pervayer of shit television in the world. Thats right..worse then Al-Jazerra. No wonder young people have to tunr to You Tube.
Three Bold Predictions..
-Ohio State is going to destroy Michigan.
-The Patriots will not win the Super Bowl without Rodney Harrison.
-The Celtics may not win ten games with Doc Rivers
-If he ever hurts you....True love won't desert you....you know I still love you ....(inaudible)...Our Separate Ways!!!!
-Lou Holtz is talking, and I am feeling sleepy...Coincidence? I think not.
-The "YOU GOTTA PAY WHAT YOU OWE" episode of the Boondocks should be shown on CBS this holiday season right before A Charlie Brown Christmas.
-Auburn and Alabama U lost today. Forrest Gump will be on the rampage....
Its 1:11.
It is 12:28 in the morning and I have been watching Band of Brothers for three hours. I plan on using it this week for U.S History. I am the greatest teacher alive. Here we go....
-Tony's Pizza in Willimantic Connecticut is the greatest eatery in the world.
-My car will now and forever be known as The General Grant.
-If Joe Liebermen chooses to play a role in the 2008 election, by running in any way, I may start a petition to have his ass ousted for sucking so badly. We talking Jaime Fox in Booty Call lame here.
-The most exciting moment in the history of American politics was July 11, 1804, in the epic dual between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Some call this a victory of irrationality that destroyed both men, but at least it was real. Anything that happens in 2008 will be the result of an antiseptic, media driven career campaigning that makes the victor out to be little more then a whore who got lucky.
-The Connecticut River Valley is some of the nicest land in the Northeast. In some parts, Cow Tipping is a spectator sport.
-An interesting side note to the breakdown of the Spears/Federline marriage. I wondered how many men would even be interested in her now. Sure she is still worth millions, and may eventually be hot again, but she has also proven to be simple white trash and pretty irrelivent.
-Two Point Conversion? Randy Edsall has great intestinal fortitudes, but when you got nothing..you got nothing to lose...
-Alec Baldwin is a comedy pimp.
-Aaron Sorkin needs to start eating shrooms again.
-If I was John Mayer, I'd kick my own ass, then sleep with three groupies.
-I think we are all glad that Back to the Future was not written by Martin Scorsese. I am confident that if it had been Marty would have wacked Biff execution style and Doc would do so much blow in 1955 that by the end of the movie his 1985 counterpart would be totally goofy and out of control..oh wait......
-If you met Oj Simpson , Would you heckle him? I would, "Oh No...The Juice is Loose..Help!!!"
-This is ouuuuurrrrrr Countryyyyy.
-I can not watch this enough. I do not know why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzChi6-RwWU&mode=related&search
-How did I pass on Micheal Redd again this season?
-Keifer Sutherland is one fucking wierd dude. He is the Mike Mussina of Fox network.
-MTV needs to be stopped. Along with Fox News, they may be the biggest pervayer of shit television in the world. Thats right..worse then Al-Jazerra. No wonder young people have to tunr to You Tube.
Three Bold Predictions..
-Ohio State is going to destroy Michigan.
-The Patriots will not win the Super Bowl without Rodney Harrison.
-The Celtics may not win ten games with Doc Rivers
-If he ever hurts you....True love won't desert you....you know I still love you ....(inaudible)...Our Separate Ways!!!!
-Lou Holtz is talking, and I am feeling sleepy...Coincidence? I think not.
-The "YOU GOTTA PAY WHAT YOU OWE" episode of the Boondocks should be shown on CBS this holiday season right before A Charlie Brown Christmas.
-Auburn and Alabama U lost today. Forrest Gump will be on the rampage....
Its 1:11.
Lieberman: Wait until you see what I've concocted. It's a *realistic* scenario making Lieberman a central part in changing American politics.
Britney: She WILL get hot again. I WILL want her badly again. She WILL continue to disregard my advances.
Best Around Video: Brilliant. The best video I've seen two college kids make. My question: To their peers, are they dorks or cool...assuming you and I are cool.
MTV: Absolutely terrible television. I've been saying this all millenium.
Revolution Remblings: Thoroughly enjoyable.
Lets get one thing straight, we are awesome.
The other thing is that Britney now has two kids. Her millions are one thing, but having to raise two Federline children would not be worth it.
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