We are a Nation of Rats
-Watching a flabergasted Micheal Kay try to explain the collapse of the 2006 New York Yankees this week was worth the price of cable for the next 5 months. Yes Micheal, overpaying for old pitching is a problem. However, the entire organization and NY media's overinflated sense of self is a discrace to humanity. This is the fourth time the Yankees have been swept three in row to bow out of the playoffs under Joe Torre. Can you say chopping block?
-I saw The Departed last night. No doubt it is the best movie of this year. The question will be if it is one of the best movie of this the past 16 years, which would put it in my hallowed pantheon of greatest filims ever. It may also be the funniest movie since There's Somthing about Mary first came out. The cast, the dialogue, the story, and the music create an almost perfect movie. Rats on both sides of the law is such an excellent metaphor for the world today, where we go to war on the information from political Rats with their own agendas. Then the question becomes whose agenda are we really benefitting? The film also highlights The Dropkick Murphy's, one of the most underrated bands of my generation. A simply fantastic entertainment experience.
-The recent controversey between Jason Whitlock and Scoop Jackson made for some very interesting reading. Since niether is Bill Simmons, the situation got personal without ever really getting funny. Whitlock accusing Jackson of "bojangling" was biazarre. Jackson, wanting to keep his job, responded with a very professional response, but I if the big man from KC ever attends a Knicks game, he'd better keep his head on a swivel. At least we wont need to see New England hater Whitlock on ESPN anymore. Now all we need is Skip Bayless to start a beef with Jim Caple.
-BREAKING NEWS-ny daily news reporting Torre out and Pinella in. Crazy...I love it......Girardi could be great, but can you see Pinella wrestling with A-Rod on the ground questioning his manhood. This could be amazing.
-Joe Courtney needs to get his campaign on. I say he should pull a Hugo Chavez and call Rob Simmons the devil.
-A close relative of mine spoke at the govenor's awards ceremonies in Windsor a couple of weeks ago. She said meeting "da Rell" was nice, and that Destefeno needed to keep his distance. Apparently it was Jim Calhoun, my relative, and Jim Maloney separating them. Then the media came in to question da Rell about some seedy Rowland-esque ethics business.
-Buck O'Neil was awesome. The fact he did not get inducted into the Hall of Fame this year was awful. He will be missed.
-Alot of people have asked me to comment on The Mark Foley situation. As some of you know, I was at one time asked to try and commit to the process that goes into the being a Page boy in D.C. Lets just say I am glad I decided to play summer league soccer that year.....
-The past six months have been huge for Keith Olberman. I have been a farily consistent viewer, and his Murrow-esque rants about the consistant failures of the Bush Administration have been great. He has begun to defeat Fox down in the ratings when it comes to my age demographics, which is nice. The problem is that after his show is Joe Scarbough...who sucks.
-The "Lost" season opener was interesting. The problem becomes this, as the writers seek to create a plot arch for each of the new characters, as well as delve deeper into the back grounds of the existing characters, the show will never end. It becomes Gilligan's Island. If the show goes longer then 5 years, the already convoluted plot gets awful, the prime actors leave over wanting to get paid, and it becomes the X-Files. These people need to know when to say when. So I figure it has about this season and next before it gets totally lame and unwatchable.
-I took the comedy central South Park personality test, and found that am completely average in every way. It makes sense, I have always enjoyed Stan.
-This cycle its World War One and the Roaring 20's. Whoever said teaching was a 40 hour a week job was either insane or William Bennett.
-I saw The Departed last night. No doubt it is the best movie of this year. The question will be if it is one of the best movie of this the past 16 years, which would put it in my hallowed pantheon of greatest filims ever. It may also be the funniest movie since There's Somthing about Mary first came out. The cast, the dialogue, the story, and the music create an almost perfect movie. Rats on both sides of the law is such an excellent metaphor for the world today, where we go to war on the information from political Rats with their own agendas. Then the question becomes whose agenda are we really benefitting? The film also highlights The Dropkick Murphy's, one of the most underrated bands of my generation. A simply fantastic entertainment experience.
-The recent controversey between Jason Whitlock and Scoop Jackson made for some very interesting reading. Since niether is Bill Simmons, the situation got personal without ever really getting funny. Whitlock accusing Jackson of "bojangling" was biazarre. Jackson, wanting to keep his job, responded with a very professional response, but I if the big man from KC ever attends a Knicks game, he'd better keep his head on a swivel. At least we wont need to see New England hater Whitlock on ESPN anymore. Now all we need is Skip Bayless to start a beef with Jim Caple.
-BREAKING NEWS-ny daily news reporting Torre out and Pinella in. Crazy...I love it......Girardi could be great, but can you see Pinella wrestling with A-Rod on the ground questioning his manhood. This could be amazing.
-Joe Courtney needs to get his campaign on. I say he should pull a Hugo Chavez and call Rob Simmons the devil.
-A close relative of mine spoke at the govenor's awards ceremonies in Windsor a couple of weeks ago. She said meeting "da Rell" was nice, and that Destefeno needed to keep his distance. Apparently it was Jim Calhoun, my relative, and Jim Maloney separating them. Then the media came in to question da Rell about some seedy Rowland-esque ethics business.
-Buck O'Neil was awesome. The fact he did not get inducted into the Hall of Fame this year was awful. He will be missed.
-Alot of people have asked me to comment on The Mark Foley situation. As some of you know, I was at one time asked to try and commit to the process that goes into the being a Page boy in D.C. Lets just say I am glad I decided to play summer league soccer that year.....
-The past six months have been huge for Keith Olberman. I have been a farily consistent viewer, and his Murrow-esque rants about the consistant failures of the Bush Administration have been great. He has begun to defeat Fox down in the ratings when it comes to my age demographics, which is nice. The problem is that after his show is Joe Scarbough...who sucks.
-The "Lost" season opener was interesting. The problem becomes this, as the writers seek to create a plot arch for each of the new characters, as well as delve deeper into the back grounds of the existing characters, the show will never end. It becomes Gilligan's Island. If the show goes longer then 5 years, the already convoluted plot gets awful, the prime actors leave over wanting to get paid, and it becomes the X-Files. These people need to know when to say when. So I figure it has about this season and next before it gets totally lame and unwatchable.
-I took the comedy central South Park personality test, and found that am completely average in every way. It makes sense, I have always enjoyed Stan.
-This cycle its World War One and the Roaring 20's. Whoever said teaching was a 40 hour a week job was either insane or William Bennett.
Damn, I haven't kept up. Two very enjoyable articles. Nice work.
Are the Sox even in the top half of team in the AL heading into next year?
ahh no.
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