The GOP Blues
Fred Dalton Thompson....Law and Order wind bag....potential candidate for President in 2008.
Fred Thompson’s main claim to fame is being as an actor/politician. Now GOP strategists are trying to remake this oafish sloth into a Reagan-esque charismatic man of the common people.
I am a bit disgusted by the whole charade. The country needs leaders, not more fake grandstanding on behalf of people who see that control is slipping from their cold dieing hands. What's next, Bo Derek as Secretary of Education?
Fred Thompson is riding the wave of a bizarre campaign by Fox News and other conservative media outlets to find a “true conservative “. It shows just how desperate the GOP is at the moment. It is like having a kazoo solo in the middle of a depressing song about madness.
If this guy ends up President, he will make President Bush look like FDR. This is the guy who routinely said he did not like how much work was involved in being a Senator. Can you imagine him as the POTUS? A Fred Dalton Thompson presidency hurts America. Lazy Presidents rely on military action instead of the effort required to be a true statesmen. However, a Thompson run could further damage the GOP, which is fine. I’m torn…..
Anyway..Its good to be back
Strength and Honor.....
Fred Thompson’s main claim to fame is being as an actor/politician. Now GOP strategists are trying to remake this oafish sloth into a Reagan-esque charismatic man of the common people.
I am a bit disgusted by the whole charade. The country needs leaders, not more fake grandstanding on behalf of people who see that control is slipping from their cold dieing hands. What's next, Bo Derek as Secretary of Education?
Fred Thompson is riding the wave of a bizarre campaign by Fox News and other conservative media outlets to find a “true conservative “. It shows just how desperate the GOP is at the moment. It is like having a kazoo solo in the middle of a depressing song about madness.
If this guy ends up President, he will make President Bush look like FDR. This is the guy who routinely said he did not like how much work was involved in being a Senator. Can you imagine him as the POTUS? A Fred Dalton Thompson presidency hurts America. Lazy Presidents rely on military action instead of the effort required to be a true statesmen. However, a Thompson run could further damage the GOP, which is fine. I’m torn…..
Anyway..Its good to be back
Strength and Honor.....
Labels: Fred Dalton Thompson, Presidential Politics, Republicans, Revolution, The GOP