The 1/20/09 Chronicles
While far more motivated and talented folks will be interpreting this matter in the next few weeks, months, and years, The Prez will continue to periodically comment on the race for the 2008 Presidential Election in elongated, bloated rants. Often times this commentary will be ill conceived and harsh, but will also seek to cut beyond the PC bull crap to the place where political spin and American zeal meld into an orgasm of truthiness so strong that it will cleanse the doors of perception and start the revolution.
“Rolling Down the Street Smoking Indo, Sipping on Gin and Juice…Laid Back”
It is great what alcohol does to people at holiday parties. This week I went to a couple, one for work and one for fun. Both ended up being great. At each party, I found that being around loose tongued Republicans can be very enlightening. When the topic of the 2008 Presidential Election was discussed they before bewildered and despondent. The unshakeable conviction that 2000 ushered in a neo-con revolution that would last for a thousand years has crumbled under the weight of the catastrophe in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the end of The Lord of the Rings movies saga, this war did not end at the logical conclusion point. The fall of Saddam Hussain did little to end the threat of terror for the American or Iraqi people. Some would logically suggest this fear has been made worse.
As my Gin (Bombay) and Juice (Cranberry) with a lime settled in, I posted the question.
“Who makes up the unbeatable team for the Democrats in 2008”. While I have spent the last 8 months foreseeing the creation of an unbeatable Republican juggernaut made of a combination of McCain/Jeb Bush/Guliani/Romney/ Rice etc…The last month has seen Republicans realize that the neo-con agenda has failed and that the Executive Branch is in line for a much needed market correction.
Thus, my inquiry was met with varied responses. The conlusion knocked me off my seat. One neo-con party go-er named Lisa responded “If Gore runs, we are toast”. I was dumbfounded. My dislike for Gore runs deep, but to hear very conservative people discuss him with vitriolic anxiety was unexpectedly awesome. Forget that Gore failed to win Tennessee. Gore was against the war from the very beginning, while becoming the foremost figurehead in the fight against Global Warning. That’s right, it is ok to not use Prince Bush's term “Climate Change”. Thank You Mr. Gore. We will keep the lock box key ready if you run.
Another name that kept coming up was John Edwards. I was impressed by his discussion with Chris Matthews on the Hardball College Tour. He has so much going for him, but his lack of experience was seen as delightful by Dan, who envisioned a McCain vs. Edwards match up and became excited. So maybe Edwards is better off recognizing that his time may be farther down the road.
Hilary Clinton’s named was bandied about for a few minutes. The group seemed to take her more seriously then I do. She still strikes that whole “She is the Anti-Christ” vibe with the Republicans. Many think I should see this as a positive, but I think they may be right. Running a women for the top spot would be unprecedented. However, she is the Steinbrenner of the Democratic Party.
That makes Barack Obama the Red Sox. Obama Nation has received mad props by the liberal ans centrist media. He is right now seen as the biggest challenger to Hilary, and has shaken Republicans everywhere. His total lack of experience seemed to actually be seen as benefit in New Hampshire..... aka “The salty balls of New England”. I love Obama’s optimism. But I also love Egg Nog. However, Like Obama’s message, too much egg nog makes me violently ill. The elephant in the room is obviously the fact he is a black man. Jake, a member of the College Republicans at Wesleyan, was drinking a Harpoon IPA when he said “Look at Harold Ford Jr., a black guy will never be able to be President now. People are too scared”. I concur unfortunately.
I brought up Gen. Wesley Clark, who has disappeared. As many you know, I would love for him to emerge for the darkness, but the Republicans were not interested in him. They were sober enough to laugh off Kucinich, but I stood firmly by the diminutive progressive from Ohio. I even referenced Pulp Fiction, believing him actually to be a stealthy Winston Wolf type character who solves problems for the thugs that cause them. Al Sharpton should run as the Green Party Candidate. That’s right, I said it.More on this in the future. I mentioned Chris Dodd for effect. Despite having a house 20 minutes away, some had to be reminded of who he was. Not a good sign.
Sexy Jessica mentioned Lieberman. They love him. From his stance on he war to pornography, they see him as a symbol of something that is ok. They even look beyond the fact he is Jewish. Interesting for a group of pretty religious folks. This was never an issue for me before I moved to what can be considered Western Connecticut, were there is a definite increase in Anti-Semitism in the more rural communities thenin Eastern CT. Very disturbing. The group realized that as diverse as this election could/should be, American idealism is tempered in the face of instability and crushed in the face of reactionary fear . This coming from a group of people whose party’s ideology promotes a porfitable reactionary based brand of fear.
“...With My Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind”
So the Democrats of most Republican interest came down to a combination of Gore/Rodham-Clinton/Edwards/Obama. Pretty typical in nature. Of this motley crew, the finely toasted group of Republicans agreed a Gore/Obama ticket was the team that would defeat the Republicans in 2008. I liked it. I was satisfied. I would hear it again.
The next day Hardball had the same discussion, but with no booze, and established the same conclusion. It was Déjà Vu without Denzel Washington (good, but not wonderful). My unique inquiry method, couple with the Republican “Committee of Nine” had constructed a piece of independent research whose results could stand strong.
Now on the surface, for such a team to be created, both would have to be brought together by a higher power. Paging George Soros….
It takes billions of man/women hours to run and win a Presidential Election. It helps to spend tens of millions of dollars. You have to whore yourself out to special interests and Big Militarism (Business, Oil, Unions, Defense, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Playstation 3). Beyond that it takes an unnatural thirst for power, and knowing the supreme mantra of the world, “Don’t Think You Are, Know You Are”.
“This is a time for American heroes, and we reach for the stars”.
Only in a world with a fake President can such words be taken seriously. They are without cynicism. But that is what this next presidential elections can be about. A McCain/Guliani vs. Gore/Obama match up would be incredible theater. Itwould be the most centrist campaign in over 180 years. It would enable tens of millions of American voters to see beyond the bullshit and recognize the role of ideas in our real world. That in reality, there is no spoon, possibilities do exist, and solutions can be created. All is takes it a few Progressive Liberals , a few Conservatives, festive holiday décor, and plenty of Gin and Juice to make it happen….
Hows that for optimism?
Strength and Honor Comrades....
“Rolling Down the Street Smoking Indo, Sipping on Gin and Juice…Laid Back”
It is great what alcohol does to people at holiday parties. This week I went to a couple, one for work and one for fun. Both ended up being great. At each party, I found that being around loose tongued Republicans can be very enlightening. When the topic of the 2008 Presidential Election was discussed they before bewildered and despondent. The unshakeable conviction that 2000 ushered in a neo-con revolution that would last for a thousand years has crumbled under the weight of the catastrophe in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the end of The Lord of the Rings movies saga, this war did not end at the logical conclusion point. The fall of Saddam Hussain did little to end the threat of terror for the American or Iraqi people. Some would logically suggest this fear has been made worse.
As my Gin (Bombay) and Juice (Cranberry) with a lime settled in, I posted the question.
“Who makes up the unbeatable team for the Democrats in 2008”. While I have spent the last 8 months foreseeing the creation of an unbeatable Republican juggernaut made of a combination of McCain/Jeb Bush/Guliani/Romney/ Rice etc…The last month has seen Republicans realize that the neo-con agenda has failed and that the Executive Branch is in line for a much needed market correction.
Thus, my inquiry was met with varied responses. The conlusion knocked me off my seat. One neo-con party go-er named Lisa responded “If Gore runs, we are toast”. I was dumbfounded. My dislike for Gore runs deep, but to hear very conservative people discuss him with vitriolic anxiety was unexpectedly awesome. Forget that Gore failed to win Tennessee. Gore was against the war from the very beginning, while becoming the foremost figurehead in the fight against Global Warning. That’s right, it is ok to not use Prince Bush's term “Climate Change”. Thank You Mr. Gore. We will keep the lock box key ready if you run.
Another name that kept coming up was John Edwards. I was impressed by his discussion with Chris Matthews on the Hardball College Tour. He has so much going for him, but his lack of experience was seen as delightful by Dan, who envisioned a McCain vs. Edwards match up and became excited. So maybe Edwards is better off recognizing that his time may be farther down the road.
Hilary Clinton’s named was bandied about for a few minutes. The group seemed to take her more seriously then I do. She still strikes that whole “She is the Anti-Christ” vibe with the Republicans. Many think I should see this as a positive, but I think they may be right. Running a women for the top spot would be unprecedented. However, she is the Steinbrenner of the Democratic Party.
That makes Barack Obama the Red Sox. Obama Nation has received mad props by the liberal ans centrist media. He is right now seen as the biggest challenger to Hilary, and has shaken Republicans everywhere. His total lack of experience seemed to actually be seen as benefit in New Hampshire..... aka “The salty balls of New England”. I love Obama’s optimism. But I also love Egg Nog. However, Like Obama’s message, too much egg nog makes me violently ill. The elephant in the room is obviously the fact he is a black man. Jake, a member of the College Republicans at Wesleyan, was drinking a Harpoon IPA when he said “Look at Harold Ford Jr., a black guy will never be able to be President now. People are too scared”. I concur unfortunately.
I brought up Gen. Wesley Clark, who has disappeared. As many you know, I would love for him to emerge for the darkness, but the Republicans were not interested in him. They were sober enough to laugh off Kucinich, but I stood firmly by the diminutive progressive from Ohio. I even referenced Pulp Fiction, believing him actually to be a stealthy Winston Wolf type character who solves problems for the thugs that cause them. Al Sharpton should run as the Green Party Candidate. That’s right, I said it.More on this in the future. I mentioned Chris Dodd for effect. Despite having a house 20 minutes away, some had to be reminded of who he was. Not a good sign.
Sexy Jessica mentioned Lieberman. They love him. From his stance on he war to pornography, they see him as a symbol of something that is ok. They even look beyond the fact he is Jewish. Interesting for a group of pretty religious folks. This was never an issue for me before I moved to what can be considered Western Connecticut, were there is a definite increase in Anti-Semitism in the more rural communities thenin Eastern CT. Very disturbing. The group realized that as diverse as this election could/should be, American idealism is tempered in the face of instability and crushed in the face of reactionary fear . This coming from a group of people whose party’s ideology promotes a porfitable reactionary based brand of fear.
“...With My Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind”
So the Democrats of most Republican interest came down to a combination of Gore/Rodham-Clinton/Edwards/Obama. Pretty typical in nature. Of this motley crew, the finely toasted group of Republicans agreed a Gore/Obama ticket was the team that would defeat the Republicans in 2008. I liked it. I was satisfied. I would hear it again.
The next day Hardball had the same discussion, but with no booze, and established the same conclusion. It was Déjà Vu without Denzel Washington (good, but not wonderful). My unique inquiry method, couple with the Republican “Committee of Nine” had constructed a piece of independent research whose results could stand strong.
Now on the surface, for such a team to be created, both would have to be brought together by a higher power. Paging George Soros….
It takes billions of man/women hours to run and win a Presidential Election. It helps to spend tens of millions of dollars. You have to whore yourself out to special interests and Big Militarism (Business, Oil, Unions, Defense, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Playstation 3). Beyond that it takes an unnatural thirst for power, and knowing the supreme mantra of the world, “Don’t Think You Are, Know You Are”.
“This is a time for American heroes, and we reach for the stars”.
Only in a world with a fake President can such words be taken seriously. They are without cynicism. But that is what this next presidential elections can be about. A McCain/Guliani vs. Gore/Obama match up would be incredible theater. Itwould be the most centrist campaign in over 180 years. It would enable tens of millions of American voters to see beyond the bullshit and recognize the role of ideas in our real world. That in reality, there is no spoon, possibilities do exist, and solutions can be created. All is takes it a few Progressive Liberals , a few Conservatives, festive holiday décor, and plenty of Gin and Juice to make it happen….
Hows that for optimism?
Strength and Honor Comrades....
Labels: 2008, President Bush, Presidential Election
This was great. I'd have enjoyed it a lot more if you didn't steal my thunder before the opening of my new blog this Tuesday. It'd be like if Lord of the Rings put out a 4th film the weekend of Episode III.
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