Monday, March 19, 2007

You Best' Recognize

Here we go. Four years into the War in Iraq.

For the stats that matter check this out.

The shit has hit the fan, but the neo-con dream of a Utopia in control of the oil is still alive. The "Teflon Neo Con" Karl Rove is still taking orders from Satan.

Like its dealings with Southeast Asia in 1968, the government has turn its back to the writing on the wall.

We cannot blame them for everything though. Foolish people were fooled by saditists. It happens to the foolish and ignorant all the time.

These days there is no crazy anti-war movement of white middle class college students like there was in the 1960's. We have long identified with our daily Dunkin Doughnuts more then the aged crooks who accomodate evil to fight evil. Freedom of Speech and Human Rights be damned, we get our social cues from the British D-Bag on American Idol.

I think it is time we got Simon Cowell to get political.

At the very least, it is time we decided to pressure the government into ending the terror once and for all. I urge any readers, Conservative or Liberal, to check out

I leave with my first poem in 10 years...

There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who went to Fallujah when the President Lied,
Now his talents are lost to History,
For the man from Nantucket has Died.

-Strength and Honor Comrades....

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Blogger IC said...

This is not the Red Sox preview we were promised.

10:11 AM  

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