Tuesday, March 27, 2007

House Gone Up in Flames

The death of Pat Tillman was back in the news again this week when the Government issued an edict that he was killed by friendly fire and that there was not a conspiracy to cover this fact. The Tillman family believes otherwise. The fact that Tillman's enlisting in the war was used as a symbol to be exploited by the marketers of the War on Terror in life and in death should not come as a surprise to anyone. He was an admirable figure, and recruit has been "down" for 3 years. However, the fact that the Department of Defense perpetuated a lie about how Tillman died in Afghanistan and used his death to try and generate positive pub after the disaster at Abu Ghraib prison is H#$#%S*&&. The fact that they continue to run from the cover up is so slimy, only the DoD could pull it off and make a crack addict look honorable.

This sad story will contiue to be played out every time the death of an American soldier is covered up to perpetuate the ignorance of those who feel the War in Iraq is a worthy cause in which to die. It will also be played out by the Tillman family, who will continue to expose the hypocrisy of the Department of Defense and the masters of this war.

'Just another example of that this is a "house gone up in flames"...

No Justice, No Peace

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