State of the (Dis)Union
The State of the Union is now a slurpfest for the pundits and politicians alike. It is officially a pseudo-holiday of Super Bowl proportions for the cable news networks. It also wins for "Fakest Night of the Year". It is the moment the country seeks to hear a new message for the year to come and gets nothing but fake smiles, fake applause, jubilant congressional staffers/autograph seekers, and shout outs to the unlikely peeps in the house. I could have cared less until a friend e-mailed me a message that he was doing a running commentary of the event. A night of grading, reading, and sleep became one of high comedy, Nirvana clips, and big news from THE NIGHTWATCHMAN.
First off, the Message. The President is shitty and he knows it. Earlier in the day the VP was accused of trying to sacrifice Scooter Libby and save Karl Rove in a court of law. The war in Iraq has stripped him all credibility. For those of us who actually tallied up the votes of the 2000 election, the last 7 years have been a consistent case of the “chickens coming home to roost” for the entire administration. Now there is a call for “citizen reserves”. It is like these people are living in a dream world.
The complete lack of credibility made the message moot. I was more intrigued by the cut shots to the various dignitaries on hand for the occasion, including the several Democrats and Republicans already running for President in 2008. There was John McCain sleeping. Ditto for Joe Bidden and Ted Kennedy. It was interesting Bush brought up Africa, and the genocide in Darfur. It made Bono happy, so I was happy. However, not including a word on the reconstruction of New Orleans was at best an egregious error, and at worst the reason why he may be compared only to Emperor Nero in his ability to be callous and somehow revel in it. And forget about even a mention of Osama Bin Laden. He hasn’t been on Bush’s lips since they were seen riding bombs in a Music Video back in ‘03.
The fact Hilary Clinton was sitting behind Obama was and interesting visual. However, the highlight of the evening was the “shout outs” portion of the speech that actually happened later then in most State of the Union addresses. My personal favorite was the out of nowhere appearance of Dikembe Mutumbo. I have enjoyed this geriatric since I was Elementary school. The site of him towering over Laura Bush was great. I immediately hoped someone would produce a basketball for him to hold and fake like he was grabbing a rebound, increasing the likelihood of Mutumbo accidentally clocking the first lady in the grill .......then waging his finger at her. The “humble Subway Hero” was also great. First because the networks threw up the “Subway Hero” graphic, allowing millions of witty Americans to come up with a joke that included that D**** B*** “Jared from Subway”. Then as the guy was being honored, he started pointing to Bush and doing the whole heart pound thing and lifting his arms in the air. Now, I have never been asked to sit in the Presidential Box at the State of the Union. However, when that day happens, I won’t soak up the moment like I was doing my best Cuba Gooding Jr. impression. Even in Spanish. Lets just call him he “Subway Hero” from now on. Oh yeah, since when do people get honored by the President for charitable work like that lady? Oprah must be pissed….
Where do we go from here? Only Chris Matthews really knows. We have another one of these things next year. My predictions, the war in Iraq will still be raging and escalating the conflict with more troops will be discussed again. That will just be sad. I say Bush should pre-tape it in 10 minutes sections while siting in his bed room and puts it on Youtube. He could be next years Lonelygirl15. Its better then his current legacy....
Oh yeah, circle April 24th on the Calendar. The Nightwatchman’s first album drops.
You know what that means…The Strength and Honor Revolution will have a soundtrack!
The State of the Union is now a slurpfest for the pundits and politicians alike. It is officially a pseudo-holiday of Super Bowl proportions for the cable news networks. It also wins for "Fakest Night of the Year". It is the moment the country seeks to hear a new message for the year to come and gets nothing but fake smiles, fake applause, jubilant congressional staffers/autograph seekers, and shout outs to the unlikely peeps in the house. I could have cared less until a friend e-mailed me a message that he was doing a running commentary of the event. A night of grading, reading, and sleep became one of high comedy, Nirvana clips, and big news from THE NIGHTWATCHMAN.
First off, the Message. The President is shitty and he knows it. Earlier in the day the VP was accused of trying to sacrifice Scooter Libby and save Karl Rove in a court of law. The war in Iraq has stripped him all credibility. For those of us who actually tallied up the votes of the 2000 election, the last 7 years have been a consistent case of the “chickens coming home to roost” for the entire administration. Now there is a call for “citizen reserves”. It is like these people are living in a dream world.
The complete lack of credibility made the message moot. I was more intrigued by the cut shots to the various dignitaries on hand for the occasion, including the several Democrats and Republicans already running for President in 2008. There was John McCain sleeping. Ditto for Joe Bidden and Ted Kennedy. It was interesting Bush brought up Africa, and the genocide in Darfur. It made Bono happy, so I was happy. However, not including a word on the reconstruction of New Orleans was at best an egregious error, and at worst the reason why he may be compared only to Emperor Nero in his ability to be callous and somehow revel in it. And forget about even a mention of Osama Bin Laden. He hasn’t been on Bush’s lips since they were seen riding bombs in a Music Video back in ‘03.
The fact Hilary Clinton was sitting behind Obama was and interesting visual. However, the highlight of the evening was the “shout outs” portion of the speech that actually happened later then in most State of the Union addresses. My personal favorite was the out of nowhere appearance of Dikembe Mutumbo. I have enjoyed this geriatric since I was Elementary school. The site of him towering over Laura Bush was great. I immediately hoped someone would produce a basketball for him to hold and fake like he was grabbing a rebound, increasing the likelihood of Mutumbo accidentally clocking the first lady in the grill .......then waging his finger at her. The “humble Subway Hero” was also great. First because the networks threw up the “Subway Hero” graphic, allowing millions of witty Americans to come up with a joke that included that D**** B*** “Jared from Subway”. Then as the guy was being honored, he started pointing to Bush and doing the whole heart pound thing and lifting his arms in the air. Now, I have never been asked to sit in the Presidential Box at the State of the Union. However, when that day happens, I won’t soak up the moment like I was doing my best Cuba Gooding Jr. impression. Even in Spanish. Lets just call him he “Subway Hero” from now on. Oh yeah, since when do people get honored by the President for charitable work like that lady? Oprah must be pissed….
Where do we go from here? Only Chris Matthews really knows. We have another one of these things next year. My predictions, the war in Iraq will still be raging and escalating the conflict with more troops will be discussed again. That will just be sad. I say Bush should pre-tape it in 10 minutes sections while siting in his bed room and puts it on Youtube. He could be next years Lonelygirl15. Its better then his current legacy....
Oh yeah, circle April 24th on the Calendar. The Nightwatchman’s first album drops.
You know what that means…The Strength and Honor Revolution will have a soundtrack!
Labels: Britney Spears, Chris Matthews, Jesus, Joe Biden, John McCain, Nirvana, Oprah, President Bush, Presidential Election, Scooter Libby, State of the Union, The NIghtwatchman
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